Happy Waltz Week!
(It's my party, I'll delay it if I want to! Ha! Ok, it's not really *my* party...)
Here is my awesome man card. Yeah, I used doilies and bling...because every award has bling...so there! I also used my itty bitty banners. In fact, if the other stamp sets I bought (<< Guilty confession right there!!) weren't gifts for others, I probably would have used them too...I'm just saying... Hope it rocks your socks and that you have a dancin' good time, because I am pretty proud of my doily award! :D (I'm feeling much, much, much, much better (as you can tell by my snark) than I have been for the past couple of months, it's a wonder what a geeky inhaler can do for a girl! lol Also, the fact that there are layers and handcut pieces also are a telltale sign of wellness.)
Beautiful man's card - glad you're feeling better!